Now arriving in… Berlin
Historically, Berlin has long been a destination for bohemians and confused existences. There are few places where you can find so many people with so much emotional baggage in such a confined space.
Coffee Notes from a Fringe Mind
Historically, Berlin has long been a destination for bohemians and confused existences. There are few places where you can find so many people with so much emotional baggage in such a confined space.
Nach fast 2 Jahren bin ich noch immer nicht in Berlin angekommen. Mir war natürlich bewusst, dass man nicht von einem Tag auf den anderen irgendwo ankommt.
If you had asked me in 2013 whether I would ever run a half marathon across a highway bridge with a view of the Baltic Sea, I probably would have thought you were crazy. In fact, at the beginning of August 2013, the idea of wearing running shoes was still a distant dream.
Hätte man mich im Jahr 2013 gefragt, ob ich mal einen Halbmarathon über eine Autobahnbrücke mit Blick über die Ostsee laufen würde, hätte ich wohl demjenigen einen Vogel gezeigt. Tatsächlich, Anfang August 2013 lag die Vorstellung, dass ich einmal Laufschuhe tragen werde noch in weiter Ferne.
Western outrage about Human Rights abuses is just for show. You know it, I know it, Putin knows it, Xi and the leaders of Hamas know it.
Wenn es um die Fürsorge von Opfern häuslicher Gewalt geht sind wir kaum vorwärtsgekommen.
Am deutlichsten zeigt sich dies an deutschen Familiengerichten und deren Umgang mit Opfern von Gewalttätigen Partnern.
All initiatives that truly improve people’s lives have one thing in common. They are collective efforts. I was born in…
Sometimes, the best way to define something is not by what it is. But by what it is not. Relationships can fall into this category of things.
In the old days, many of the poorest people were day laborers. The Gig Economy resurrects the concept.