The Faulty Lens of Left vs. Right
Framing things in a left vs. right spectrum often makes little sense for understanding the world.
Coffee Notes from a Fringe Mind
Framing things in a left vs. right spectrum often makes little sense for understanding the world.
It is guaranteed to work One thing, that is funny about the writings from Pick-up artists and other Red-Pill content is,…
We often like to call it stoic when men hide their feelings. But the stoics never meant that we should bottle up our feelings. Instead, we should accept them, and take responsibility for them. The fact that our feelings exist, is an undeniable reality. Hiding feelings is thus hiding a truth. It is fake stoicism.
I want to make this clear. The mental health of Joe Biden is not a concern for future elections. He is already the president. So if his mental state is a danger to democracy in three months from now, it must be a problem already today.
Der Platz hatte längst seinen früheren Glanz verloren. Unter dem Baum in der Mitte stand noch eine verwitterte Bank. Er beschloss sich kurz hinzusetzen und sich auszuruhen.
By far the most common language tool at the disposal of the oppressor is the use of passive voice.
The right-wingers deny history when they criticize non-western immigrants The picture above shows an Island in the middle of the…
The masculine thing to do is to start to take responsibility for everything in your life. And that includes more than your physical shape, finances, and job. It also includes your emotional well-being and sorting out your baggage. Bitter red pill behavior isn’t masculine at all.
There is a fine line between being a good person and not being authentic First up, today’s post is a…