Guys, Here Is the Ultimate Guide to Talk to Women

It is guaranteed to work

One thing, that is funny about the writings from Pick-up artists and other Red-Pill content is, that they usually miss the ultimate trick to how to talk to women. So I figured I wanted to share some thoughts with all the lonely guys struggling out there. These are my top three tips on how to talk to women.

Yes, you too can learn how to talk to women with this guide.
Yes, you too can learn how to talk to women with this guide. Image by Joey Velasquez from Pixabay

Tip № 1: Assume That Women Are Humans, Just Like You

I know it sounds strange. But bear with me. Putting yourself out there and talking to women is not so difficult. Just try not to lead with the sexual fantasy in your head. Instead, treat a woman as you would any other human being. Don’t expect to get laid, because you are having a friendly conversation with a human, who happens to be female. Maybe the woman in question can become a good friend. Perhaps she will remain an acquaintance. Or you both find out that you want more, in due time. Just let the chips fall, where they may. There is no guarantee of a romantic relationship. Nobody owes you sex, because you are nice. Fake niceness has its own issues. Trust me, engaging with female humans is a lot easier this way. 

Tip № 2: Talk to Women About Things That Matter to Both Of You

Okay, let’s say you do manage to engage in a conversation. The door is open. The rules above still apply. She is a human being. You want to treat her as such. Most humans have interests or hobbies. If you speak to women about those things, you have a genuine chance to form a real connection in the long run. Maybe you even find out, that you share the same passion. Whether it’s politics, board games or gym workouts. Now, I want to stress, that you should not pretend that you like the same hobbies as her, if you don’t. Yes, be open to widening your horizon. But be honest about it. Anything else signals that you do not see her as human. Remember tip no. 1. It signals, that you see her as an object you just want to have sex with. Most women like to form genuine connections. Just like all other humans. 

Tip № 3: Hold off on the Creepy Stuff

It is strange enough, that I even need to say this. Don’t send unsolicited d*ckpics. Never. Consider the following scenario if you cannot imagine what that is like for a woman. Imagine you get your Inbox spammed with frivolous pics from people you do not have a sexual interest in. Like that middle-aged guy, you exchanged contact details with at the latest company outing. 

Also, an extra hot tip. Don’t come with sexual innuendo because a woman happens to talk to you. Don’t come blasting about how what you want to do to her in the sheets. There is no need to imagine, that the cashier wants to have sex because she smiles at you. Maybe it is her job to be friendly to all customers. She is, after all, just human, remember?

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That’s it. With these three tips, it should be a lot easier for you to talk to women. But always remember, that women are humans. So respect her boundaries. No means No. And do not assume consent to get touchy-feely, unless she gives you absolute unmistakable signs. You know what those signs are. A smile and a cute-looking dress ain’t it, guys. 



I am from Germany but have spent more than half of my life in Denmark, and other places abroad. I have a background in teaching, both youngsters and adults. I am interested in a wide field of things, which I love to teach and write about. Sustainability, technology, politics, social change, and mental health are just some examples.

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