Creating the Holidays You Want May Take a Few Iterations
Family holidays reveal how far you have come on your inner journey I am on my way back home after spending…
Coffee Notes from a Fringe Mind
Articles about psychology, mental well-being, psychology and personal development.
Family holidays reveal how far you have come on your inner journey I am on my way back home after spending…
We often like to call it stoic when men hide their feelings. But the stoics never meant that we should bottle up our feelings. Instead, we should accept them, and take responsibility for them. The fact that our feelings exist, is an undeniable reality. Hiding feelings is thus hiding a truth. It is fake stoicism.
The masculine thing to do is to start to take responsibility for everything in your life. And that includes more than your physical shape, finances, and job. It also includes your emotional well-being and sorting out your baggage. Bitter red pill behavior isn’t masculine at all.
There is a fine line between being a good person and not being authentic First up, today’s post is a…
Your Mental health depends on the delicate balance of letting go and staying productive You know, depression can have many…
Sometimes, the best way to define something is not by what it is. But by what it is not. Relationships can fall into this category of things.
the diagnosis of “Parental Alienation Syndrome,” or PAS doesn’t actually exist. In spite of this, German family courts still use the theory. Even though it is violating human rights
The assumption is, that through work, and dedication all your wounds heal and your emotional baggage eventually disappears.
For myself, I have come to a different realization.
The problem with most relationship tropes is, that they often pass off toxic behavior as love. And often, this doesn’t even stop at obsessing over the object of your desire. No, sometimes even abuse and rape are framed as romantic behavior.