No, Women’s Rights are not an inherent part of Western culture
The right-wingers deny history when they criticize non-western immigrants The picture above shows an Island in the middle of the…
Coffee Notes from a Fringe Mind
The right-wingers deny history when they criticize non-western immigrants The picture above shows an Island in the middle of the…
The masculine thing to do is to start to take responsibility for everything in your life. And that includes more than your physical shape, finances, and job. It also includes your emotional well-being and sorting out your baggage. Bitter red pill behavior isn’t masculine at all.
There is a fine line between being a good person and not being authentic First up, today’s post is a…
Your Mental health depends on the delicate balance of letting go and staying productive You know, depression can have many…
Für ihn hatte der Sonnenuntergang immer etwas Magisches. Er konnte regelrecht spüren, wie die Wärme sein Gesicht langsam verließ. Aber…
Bisher haben wir aber lediglich Fragmente eines kohlenstoffhaltigen Materials gefunden, welches in den historischen Quellen als “Plastik” bezeichnet wird. Dieses Material scheint in dieser Zivilisation eine wesentliche Rolle gespielt zu haben.
Historically, Berlin has long been a destination for bohemians and confused existences. There are few places where you can find so many people with so much emotional baggage in such a confined space.
Nach fast 2 Jahren bin ich noch immer nicht in Berlin angekommen. Mir war natürlich bewusst, dass man nicht von einem Tag auf den anderen irgendwo ankommt.
If you had asked me in 2013 whether I would ever run a half marathon across a highway bridge with a view of the Baltic Sea, I probably would have thought you were crazy. In fact, at the beginning of August 2013, the idea of wearing running shoes was still a distant dream.