Denmark’s Most Elite School Is an Example of Toxic Bullying Culture
Dealing with it was long overdue. It is time for a #MeToo movement when it comes to bullying

I have been living in Denmark for 25 years. When you have been living in a foreign country for so long, it inevitably becomes a second home. Even if you, like me decide to leave it behind and move back to your roots. It is no surprise, then that I from time to time follow danish news, to keep myself updated a bit.
This week there is a story, that hit the headlines, which piqued my interest. The reason for it is, that it ties into a post I wrote about bullying not so long ago.
Bullying is still a major issue in our education system. I have been at the receiving end of it for most of my school career.
I know about the devastating effects it can have on mental health and well-being.
The news story I am referring to is about a boarding school called Herlufsholm. It is one of the most elite boarding schools in the country.
Almost all wealthy people try to secure a spot there for their beloved offspring.
Former and current students are now coming forward with allegations of extreme bullying. There is strong evidence that leadership and staff not only knew about it. They actively fostered it. And they tried to suppress incidents from becoming public.
The reports are overwhelming. The police have decided to launch an investigation.
In their unchallenged love for the Danish royals, the media make it mostly about them. One of the royal offspring is also a student at the school. That is an open invitation to do “something with the royals”. I am not writing to criticize the royal families or monarchies at all. That is for another post.
Bullying is about culture
But I find it tragic, that in the process the main story and lesson get lost. Bullying is rarely something that occurs between 2 individuals. Rather, it is always a symptom of a toxic culture. And in our schools, we as teachers and leaders have a choice. Either we foster the culture or we stop it.
It appears, that the leadership at this elite school did the former. One aspect that gets highlighted is the so-called prefect system. It is a system, where older students are encouraged to “teach” the younger ones about norms and manners.
Students report getting beaten up and even sexually abused by older students. Sometimes at night, with full oversight of the attending teachers.
To me, that is sickening and gut-wrenching. What’s worse is that inspecting authorities seem to have known about it for years. And so did the media. There have been many similar allegations against the school in the past.
To me, this demonstrates exactly the point I tried to make in my original post. In our society, we still regard bullying as a harmless thing. We refuse to acknowledge the harmful effects on the mental health and well-being of the victims. By not fighting against it, we are encouraging it.
And because we are talking about an elite school, in this case, leadership tried their best to cover it up.
Some parents and authorities tell us, that they do not recognize any of it. The royal family, who have their own kid in this toxic environment is taking a “wait and see” — approach.
We need a #MeToo moment in dealing with the bullying culture
I am happy, that the story finally broke. And I would not shed a tear if the school would have to close.
Not because I want to stick it to the rich guys. But because I think this culture should have no place in our society.
Given the prestige the school has, that is unlikely to happen. The wealthy always get their way.
But it is high time for a proper #MeToo moment when it comes to bullying. My hope is, that this example serves as a first start.