Going To School Without Getting Killed IS a Human Rights Issue

If politicians consistently fail to protect children, it is because they want to.

A country that cannot protect its own Children at School does not respect  human rights
America, the land of the free. Freedoms include using children for target practice. Image by Unknown author, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Yes, it is all over the news here in Germany as well. 18 children and a teacher got shot. There is one reason we see it in the news over here. It is due to the fact that Germany is like an extra state of the US of A. Or at least our politicians and media act like it.
The advantage is, that we get a rare glimpse into the hypocrisy of the American empire when it comes to human rights.

Today was one of these days. We again get to watch in real-time, how children get gunned down. The U.S. is the only country in the world, where this is a regular occurrence.

Violence against children always triggers me. Maybe this is because I experienced serious bullying as a kid. Who knows. I leave that for a therapist to judge.

Of Course, Politicians Can Do Something

But it is odd, isn’t it? We are getting fed with the narrative that the U.S. is the shining example of the world when it comes to human rights. Apparently, it is not a human right for children to go to school and not get shot. I beg to differ.

You see this blatant disregard when there is another ‘moment of silence. Immediately afterward, politicians claim that stricter gun laws aren’t possible because….

There is no good reason. That constitution clause is a lame excuse. Of course, it isn’t an infringement of your right to own a weapon if you have to pass a background check. Yes, the constitution allows you to own a weapon. That does not mean you should be able to buy it with your groceries.

Everybody knows this. The politicians, the weapon lobby, and the gun nuts. It is not like there isn’t the science to back stricter gun laws. To counteract the threat of science, these politicians banned research on gun control. Hooray for the beacon of civilization.

The reason they block legislation is simple. They disregard the lives of children. They think it is okay for children to live in fear, whenever they enter a classroom.

Watch Steve Kerr. He is right.

A Country That Cannot Protect Its Own Children at School Is Not an Example of Human Rights

When I see images like today, I cannot help it. There is no way I can take any American lecture about human rights seriously. Elementary school children fear for their lives when going to school. And your only suggestion is to arm teachers as well? How low can it get? Even in countries like Mozambique, children can go to school and not get shot. Maybe you think it is not a human right for children to go to school and come home unharmed. I do.

Stricter gun laws are not the only solution. If you have a lot of people running around losing their shit, you have a serious mental health crisis. But that too goes unaddressed.
It is never acceptable to arm these people. That is a terrible idea. It is not complicated to figure this out. Show me the therapist who thinks it is a great idea.

I saw Biden’s speech. It was not powerful enough. Not because of what he said. But because his tone is so appeasing. The people who defend these acts do not deserve appeasement.

Then again, it doesn’t matter if it were. Nothing is going to happen. American politicians and their gun lobby buddies don’t bother to protect school children. Biden’s speech will not change that. And neither will my blog post. Or anyone else’s. It’s sad.

I am not a believer in the Christian faith. But any person who thinks it is okay for children to get shot at while they are at school only deserves one thing. To rot in hell.